Strata 2019
Blown & Sculpted Glass
Photography by: Maurice La Rooy
The main inspiration for this series has been the patterns that can be found in any mundane stone, the lines and textures so elaborate. I recreate these intricate patterns and textures within the glass and see how they co-exist with the material. Ever reflecting and distorting, the solid glass warps and magnifies the patterns creating these new magnificent optical effects.
The series is a material study in how nature’s patterns reflect within glass, how it’s translucency affects the way we perceive it. The work ranges from flowing lines to rocky textures.
Criss-Cross 31 cm
Grey-Stone 47 cm
Fickle Sun 40 cm
Grey Pebble 30 cm
Grey Structure 17 cm
Oro Pattern 21 cm
Flowing Copper 47 cm
Black Pattern 19 cm
Beige Structure 10 cm
Blue Structure 14 cm
Geode Blue 9 cm
Geode Green II 10 cm
Geode Green I 8 cm
Geode O Red 9 cm
Geode Purple I 10 cm
Geode Purple II 10 cm
Geode Red 8 cm
Geode Ruby 11 cm
Geode Yellow 10 cm
Rough Geode Round 11 cm
Rough Geode 11 cm
Tundra 12 cm
Geode Multi-Facet 18 cm