Lorem Ipsum 2020
Blown & Sculpted Glass, Pyrography, Prints & Light Distortion
Photography by: Maurice La Rooy
The main inspiration for this body of work is the way in which our handwriting has become something so personal, something that we only write for our own comprehension. Due to the fact that all of the written communication that we have with each other nowadays transpires through a computer, the written language has taken a bit of an abstract turn.
Using a variety of Pyrography, printing and light, I’m looking for the distortion of the prints making them into Asemic writing. Something that has interested me profoundly since my education in Graphic Design.
The reason I explore this concept is because it really breaks down our base understanding of the written word. The different impressions of the same script convey, an ambiguous comprehension of the written word. It shows that our written language is nothing more than some abstract scribbles marked onto a piece of paper conveying our meaning or opinions through a mutually accepted means. Does it mean something? It depends entirely on the subjective finishing of the reader in reading the words. What is the visual character of writing before we get into it’s semantic content?
The current works start from cylinders which are rolled over the paper to create (pyro)prints. Afterwards the cylinders are opened to create a glass panel which will create different impressions from the same design. Once cooled down I use the tiles to make “actual” prints(using paint & ink) creating, yet again, different impressions than their predecessors. Finally the tiles are lit creating a light distortion, which to me is the final abstractification, of the writing creating a whole new set of Asemic writing. The ambiguity of the process fascinates me and I hope to experiment a lot more within this idea.
PS #11 40x30 cm
PS #10 40x30 cm
PS #09 40x30 cm
PS #08 70x50 cm
PS #07 70x50 cm
PS #06 30x21 cm
PS #05 91x61 cm
PS #04 30x21 cm
PS #03 70x50 cm
PS #02 50x70 cm
PS #1 30x40 cm
Primum Scriptum 2020
Pyrography prints using hot glass on watercolor paper & Zerkall
Primum Scriptum 2020
Prints using oil paint
Primum Scriptum Light Refraction
Work in Progress