We've all lived through it, when things seem too good to be true, when the promise of what is to come is better than the reality we walk into. You won't realize until you take the first couple of bites, as you get to the core of what you are consuming you come to the realization that it is not what it promised to be. Bite by bite you've gone deeper into the understanding that it is all your doing, however, is this really the case?
The DisAcquired Taste series depicts a contrast between the exterior and the inside, portraying that appearances are not always what they seem. This series shows an appetizing meal, however, the fruits are warped on the inside, the pieces are mirrored on the inside reflecting yourself when you get close enough to get a bite, accusing you that you are to blame for the bad taste in the back of your mouth. This body of work approaches concepts of narcissism and the unwittingly indulging thereof.
When life gives you lemons you turn away and run!
DisAcquired Taste
Sculpted Glass & Metal
Photography by: Maurice La Rooy
It's Complicated 37 cm
Smooth Like Pine cone 36 cm
Pick Me 41 cm
It's Not My Fault 48 cm
Try Me 50 cm
Our Blues 24 cm